using Turing
using DataFrames
using CSV
using Random
using Distributions
using StatisticalRethinking
using StatisticalRethinking: link
using StatisticalRethinkingPlots
using StatsPlots
using StatsBase
using Logging
using LinearAlgebra
Code 16.1
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/Howell1.csv"))
d.w = d.weight ./ mean(d.weight)
d.h = d.height ./ mean(d.height);
Code 16.2
@model function m16_1(w, h)
σ ~ Exponential()
k ~ Exponential(0.5)
p ~ Beta(2, 18)
μ = @. log(π * k * p^2 * h^3)
@. w ~ LogNormal(μ, σ)
m16_1_ch = sample(m16_1(d.w, d.h), NUTS(), 1000)
m16_1_df = DataFrame(m16_1_ch);
Code 16.3
h_seq = range(0, maximum(d.h), length=30)
function rx_dist(r, x)
μ = log(π * r.k * r.p^2 * x^3)
LogNormal(μ, r.σ)
w_sim = simulate(m16_1_df, rx_dist, h_seq);
w_sim = hcat(w_sim...)'
w_μ = mean.(eachcol(w_sim))
w_CI = PI.(eachcol(w_sim))
w_CI = hcat(w_CI...)'
scatter(d.h, d.w, xlab="height (scaled)", ylab="weight (scaled)",
xlim=(0, maximum(d.h)+.1), ylim=(0, maximum(d.w)+.1))
plot!(h_seq, [w_μ w_μ], fillrange=w_CI, c=:black, fillalpha=0.2)
Code 16.4
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/Boxes.csv"))
Code 16.5
k => v / nrow(d)
for (k, v) in countmap(d.y)
Code 16.6
# number of children
N = 30
# half are random
y₁ = rand(1:3, N >> 1)
# half follow majority
y₂ = fill(2, N >> 1)
# combine and shuffle y1 and y2
y = shuffle(vcat(y₁, y₂))
mean(y .== 2)
Code 16.7
@model function m16_2(N, y, majority_first)
p ~ Dirichlet(5, 4)
phi = [
y .== 2, # majority
y .== 3, # minority
y .== 1, # maverick
fill(1/3, N), # random
mf ? a : b
for (mf, a, b) ∈ zip(majority_first .> 0, y .== 2, y .== 3)
lphi = [
log(p_v) .+ log.(phi_v)
for (p_v, phi_v) in zip(p, phi)
lphi = hcat(lphi...)
Turing.@addlogprob! sum(map(logsumexp, eachrow(lphi)))
Code 16.8
m16_2_ch = sample(m16_2(nrow(d), d.y, d.majority_first), NUTS(200, 0.65, init_ϵ=0.5), 1000)
m16_2_df = DataFrame(m16_2_ch);
coeftab_plot(m16_2_df, pars_names=("1 Majority","2 Minority","3 Maverick","4 Random",
"5 Follow First"))
Code 16.9
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/Panda_nuts.csv"));
Code 16.10
N = 10_000
ϕ = rand(LogNormal(log(1), 0.1), N)
k = rand(LogNormal(log(2), 0.25), N)
θ = rand(LogNormal(log(5), 0.25), N)
max_age = maximum(d.age)
p1 = plot(xlim=(0, 1.5*max_age), ylim=(0, 1), xlab="age", ylab="body mass")
p2 = plot(xlim=(0, 1.5*max_age), ylim=(0, 1.2), xlab="age", ylab="nuts per second")
for i ∈ 1:20
plot!(p1, x -> 1 - exp(-k[i]*x/max_age), c=:gray)
plot!(p2, x -> ϕ[i] * (1-exp(-k[i]*x/max_age))^θ[i], c=:gray)
plot(p1, p2)
Code 16.11
dat_list = (
n = d.nuts_opened,
age = d.age ./ max_age,
seconds = d.seconds,
@model function m16_4(n, age, seconds)
ϕ ~ LogNormal(log(1), 0.1)
k ~ LogNormal(log(2), 0.25)
θ ~ LogNormal(log(5), 0.25)
λ = @. seconds * ϕ * (1-exp(-k*age))^θ
@. n ~ Poisson(λ)
m16_4_ch = sample(m16_4(dat_list...), NUTS(100, 0.65, init_ϵ=0.025), 10000)
m16_4_df = DataFrame(m16_4_ch);
Code 16.12
p = plot(xlim=(0, max_age), ylim=(-0.1, 1.5), xlab="age", ylab="nuts per second")
pts = dat_list.n ./ dat_list.seconds
pts_size = standardize(ZScoreTransform, dat_list.seconds) * 3
scatter!(d.age, pts, ms=pts_size)
for r ∈ first(eachrow(m16_4_df), 30)
plot!(x -> r.ϕ*(1-exp(-r.k*x/max_age))^r.θ, c=:gray)
Code 16.13
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/Lynx_Hare.csv"))
plot(xlab="year", ylab="thousands of pelts")
plot!(d.Year, d.Hare, lw=1.5, c=:black, lab="Lepus")
scatter!(d.Year, d.Hare, c=:black)
plot!(d.Year, d.Lynx, lw=1.5, c=:blue, lab="Lynx")
scatter!(d.Year, d.Lynx, c=:blue)
Code 16.14
function sim_lynx_hare(n_steps, init, θ, dt=.002)
L = Vector{Float64}()
H = Vector{Float64}()
l = init[1]
h = init[2]
for i ∈ 1:n_steps
push!(L, l)
push!(H, h)
hh = h + dt * h * (θ[1] - θ[2] * l)
ll = l + dt * l * (θ[3]*h - θ[4])
l = ll
h = hh
(L, H)
Code 16.15
θ = [0.5, 0.05, 0.025, 0.5]
z = sim_lynx_hare(10_000, [d.Lynx[1], d.Hare[1]], θ);
plot(z[1], lw=2, xlab="time", ylab="number (thousands)", c=:blue)
plot!(z[2], lw=2, c=:black)
Code 16.16
N = 10_000
Ht = 10_000
p = rand(Beta(2, 18), N)
h = [rand(Binomial(Ht, pv)) for pv in p]
density(h ./ 1000, xlab="thousand of pelts", lw=2)
Code 16.17
using DifferentialEquations
function lynx_hare!(dLH, LH, θ, t)
L, H = LH
bh, mh, bl, ml = θ
dLH[1] = dL = (bl * H - ml) * L
dLH[2] = dH = (bh - mh * L) * H
@model function lynx_hare_model(N, L, H)
b_h ~ TruncatedNormal(1, 0.5, 0.0, Inf)
b_l ~ TruncatedNormal(0.05, 0.05, 0.0, Inf)
m_h ~ TruncatedNormal(0.05, 0.05, 0.0, Inf)
m_l ~ TruncatedNormal(1, 0.5, 0.0, Inf)
σ_h ~ Exponential()
σ_l ~ Exponential()
h₁ ~ LogNormal(log(10), 1)
l₁ ~ LogNormal(log(10), 1)
p_h ~ Beta(40, 200)
p_l ~ Beta(40, 200)
LH₁ = [l₁, h₁]
θ = [b_h, m_h, b_l, m_l]
prob = ODEProblem(lynx_hare!, LH₁, N-1, θ)
sol = solve(prob, saveat=1)
if length(sol.u) < N
Turing.@addlogprob! -Inf
μ_l = map(first, sol.u[1:N]) .* p_l
μ_h = map(last, sol.u[1:N]) .* p_h
# sometime solution might end up with negative population :)
if all(μ_l .> 0.0) && all(μ_h .> 0.0)
logμ_l = log.(μ_l)
logμ_h = log.(μ_h)
@. L ~ LogNormal(logμ_l, σ_l)
@. H ~ LogNormal(logμ_h, σ_h)
Turing.@addlogprob! -Inf
Code 16.18
m16_5_ch = sample(lynx_hare_model(nrow(d), d.Lynx, d.Hare), NUTS(), 4000)
m16_5_df = DataFrame(m16_5_ch);
Code 16.19
# from row of parameters, get population of Hare and Lynx
function row_to_population(r, N)
LH₁ = [r.l₁, r.h₁]
θ = [r.b_h, r.m_h, r.b_l, r.m_l]
prob = ODEProblem(lynx_hare!, LH₁, N-1, θ)
sol = solve(prob, saveat=1)
L = map(first, sol.u[1:N])
H = map(last, sol.u[1:N])
L, H
p = plot(xlab="year", ylab="thousands of pelts")
plot!(d.Year, d.Hare, lw=1.5, c=:black, lab="Lepus")
scatter!(d.Year, d.Hare, c=:black)
plot!(d.Year, d.Lynx, lw=1.5, c=:blue, lab="Lynx")
scatter!(d.Year, d.Lynx, c=:blue)
for r in first(eachrow(m16_5_df), 21)
L, H = row_to_population(r, nrow(d))
L .*= r.p_l
H .*= r.p_h
plot!(d.Year, L, c=:blue, alpha=0.2)
plot!(d.Year, H, c=:black, alpha=0.2)
Code 16.20
p = plot(xlab="year", ylab="thousands animals")
for r in first(eachrow(m16_5_df), 21)
L, H = row_to_population(r, nrow(d))
plot!(d.Year, L, c=:blue, alpha=0.2)
plot!(d.Year, H, c=:black, alpha=0.2)