using Turing
using DataFrames
using CSV
using Random
using Distributions
using StatisticalRethinking
using StatisticalRethinking: link
using StatisticalRethinkingPlots
using StatsPlots
using StatsBase
using Logging
using LinearAlgebra
Code 14.1
a = 3.5 # average morning wait time
b = -1 # average difference afternoon wait time
σ_a = 1 # std dev in intercepts
σ_b = 0.5 # std dev in slopes
ρ = -0.7; # correlation between intercepts and slopes
Code 14.2
μ = [a, b];
Code 14.3
cov_ab = σ_a * σ_b * ρ
Σ = [[σ_a^2, cov_ab] [cov_ab, σ_b^2]]
Code 14.4
Julia has similar "column-first" matix order
reshape(1:4, (2,2))
Code 14.5
sigmas = [σ_a, σ_b]
Ρ = [[1, ρ] [ρ, 1]]
Σ = Diagonal(sigmas) * Ρ * Diagonal(sigmas);
Code 14.6
N_cafes = 20;
Code 14.7
vary_effect = rand(MvNormal(μ, Σ), N_cafes);
Code 14.8
a_cafe = vary_effect[1,:]
b_cafe = vary_effect[2,:];
Code 14.9
p = scatter(a_cafe, b_cafe, xlab="intercepts (a_cafe)", ylab="slopes (b_cafe)")
d = acos(Σ[1,2])
chi = Chisq(2)
for l ∈ (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.99)
scale = sqrt(quantile(chi, l))
xₜ(t) = scale*Σ[1,1]*cos(t + d/2) + μ[1]
yₜ(t) = scale*Σ[2,2]*cos(t - d/2) + μ[2]
plot!(xₜ, yₜ, 0, 2π, c=:black, alpha=0.3)
Code 14.10
N_visits = 10
afternoon = repeat(0:1, N_visits*N_cafes ÷ 2)
cafe_id = repeat(1:N_cafes, inner=N_visits)
μ = a_cafe[cafe_id] + b_cafe[cafe_id] .* afternoon
σ = 0.5
wait = rand.(Normal.(μ, σ))
d = DataFrame(cafe=cafe_id, afternoon=afternoon, wait=wait);
Code 14.11
R = rand(LKJ(2, 2), 10^4);
density(getindex.(R, 2), xlab="Correlation")
Code 14.12
@model function m14_1(cafe, afternoon, wait)
a ~ Normal(5, 2)
b ~ Normal(-1, 0.5)
σ_cafe ~ filldist(Exponential(), 2)
Rho ~ LKJ(2, 2)
# build sigma matrix manually, to avoid numerical errors
# (σ₁, σ₂) = σ_cafe
# sc = [[σ₁^2, σ₁*σ₂] [σ₁*σ₂, σ₂^2]]
# Σ = Rho .* sc
# the same as above, but shorter and generic
Σ = (σ_cafe .* σ_cafe') .* Rho
ab ~ filldist(MvNormal([a,b], Σ), N_cafes)
a = ab[1,cafe]
b = ab[2,cafe]
μ = @. a + b * afternoon
σ ~ Exponential()
for i ∈ eachindex(wait)
wait[i] ~ Normal(μ[i], σ)
m14_1_ch = sample(m14_1(, d.afternoon, d.wait), NUTS(), 1000)
m14_1_df = DataFrame(m14_1_ch);
Code 14.13
density(m14_1_df."Rho[1,2]", lab="posterior", lw=2)
R = rand(LKJ(2, 2), 10^4);
density!(getindex.(R, 2), lab="prior", ls=:dash, lw=2)
plot!(xlab="correlation", ylab="Density")
Code 14.14
Plot differs from presented in the book due to different seed in data generation.
gb = groupby(d[d.afternoon .== 0,:], :cafe)
a1 = combine(gb, :wait => mean).wait_mean
gb = groupby(d[d.afternoon .== 1,:], :cafe)
b1 = combine(gb, :wait => mean).wait_mean .- a1
a2 = [mean(m14_1_df[:, "ab[1,$i]"]) for i ∈ 1:N_cafes]
b2 = [mean(m14_1_df[:, "ab[2,$i]"]) for i ∈ 1:N_cafes]
xlim = extrema(a1) .+ (-0.1, 0.1)
ylim = extrema(b1) .+ (-0.1, 0.1)
p = scatter(a1, b1, xlab="intercept", ylab="slope", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
scatter!(a2, b2, mc=:white)
for (x1,y1,x2,y2) ∈ zip(a1, b1, a2, b2)
plot!([x1,x2], [y1,y2], c=:black)
Code 14.15
# posterior mean
ρ = mean(m14_1_df."Rho[1,2]")
μ_a = mean(m14_1_df.a)
μ_b = mean(m14_1_df.b)
σ₁ = mean(m14_1_df."σ_cafe[1]")
σ₂ = mean(m14_1_df."σ_cafe[2]")
# draw ellipses
dt = acos(ρ*σ₁*σ₂)
chi = Chisq(2)
for l ∈ (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.99)
scale = sqrt(quantile(chi, l))
xₜ(t) = scale*σ₁^2*cos(t + dt/2) + μ_a
yₜ(t) = scale*σ₂^2*cos(t - dt/2) + μ_b
plot!(xₜ, yₜ, 0, 2π, c=:black, alpha=0.3)
Code 14.16
wait_morning_1 = a1
wait_afternoon_1 = a1 .+ b1
wait_morning_2 = a2
wait_afternoon_2 = a2 .+ b2
p = scatter(wait_morning_1, wait_afternoon_1, xlab="morning wait", ylab="afternoon wait")
scatter!(wait_morning_2, wait_afternoon_2, mc=:white)
plot!(x -> x, s=:dash)
for (x1,y1,x2,y2) ∈ zip(wait_morning_1, wait_afternoon_1, wait_morning_2, wait_afternoon_2)
plot!([x1,x2], [y1,y2], c=:black)
Code 14.17
Σ = [[σ₁^2, σ₁*σ₂*ρ] [σ₁*σ₂*ρ, σ₂^2]]
μ = [μ_a, μ_b]
v = rand(MvNormal(μ, Σ), 10^4)
v[2,:] += v[1,:]
Σ₂ = cov(v')
μ₂ = [μ_a, μ_a+μ_b]
# draw ellipses
dt = acos(Σ₂[1,2])
chi = Chisq(2)
for l ∈ (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.99)
scale = sqrt(quantile(chi, l))
xₜ(t) = scale*Σ₂[1,1]*cos(t + dt/2) + μ₂[1]
yₜ(t) = scale*Σ₂[2,2]*cos(t - dt/2) + μ₂[2]
plot!(xₜ, yₜ, 0, 2π, c=:black, alpha=0.3)
Code 14.18
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/chimpanzees.csv", delim=';'));
d.treatment = 1 .+ d.prosoc_left .+ 2*d.condition;
d.block_id = d.block;
@model function m14_2(L, tid, actor, block_id)
tid_len = length(levels(tid))
act_len = length(levels(actor))
blk_len = length(levels(block_id))
g ~ filldist(Normal(), tid_len)
σ_actor ~ filldist(Exponential(), tid_len)
ρ_actor ~ LKJ(tid_len, 2)
Σ_actor = (σ_actor .* σ_actor') .* ρ_actor
alpha ~ filldist(MvNormal(zeros(tid_len), Σ_actor), act_len)
σ_block ~ filldist(Exponential(), tid_len)
ρ_block ~ LKJ(tid_len, 2)
Σ_block = (σ_block .* σ_block') .* ρ_block
beta ~ filldist(MvNormal(zeros(tid_len), Σ_block), blk_len)
for i ∈ eachindex(L)
p = logistic(g[tid[i]] + alpha[tid[i], actor[i]] + beta[tid[i], block_id[i]])
L[i] ~ Bernoulli(p)
m14_2_ch = sample(m14_2(d.pulled_left, d.treatment,, d.block_id), HMC(0.01, 10), 1000);
m14_2_df = DataFrame(m14_2_ch);
Code 14.19
@model function m14_3(L, tid, actor, block_id)
tid_len = length(levels(tid))
act_len = length(levels(actor))
blk_len = length(levels(block_id))
g ~ filldist(Normal(), tid_len)
σ_actor ~ filldist(Exponential(), tid_len)
# LKJCholesky is not usable in Turing:
ρ_actor ~ LKJ(tid_len, 2)
ρ_actor_L = cholesky(Symmetric(ρ_actor)).L
z_actor ~ filldist(MvNormal(zeros(tid_len), 1), act_len)
alpha = (σ_actor .* ρ_actor_L) * z_actor
σ_block ~ filldist(Exponential(), tid_len)
ρ_block ~ LKJ(tid_len, 2)
ρ_block_L = cholesky(Symmetric(ρ_block)).L
z_block ~ filldist(MvNormal(zeros(tid_len), 1), blk_len)
beta = (σ_block .* ρ_block_L) * z_block
for i ∈ eachindex(L)
p = logistic(g[tid[i]] + alpha[tid[i], actor[i]] + beta[tid[i], block_id[i]])
L[i] ~ Bernoulli(p)
# Hm, this is less stable and slower than m14_2...
# So if you know how to improve it - PR or open the issue in the repo
m14_3_ch = sample(m14_3(d.pulled_left, d.treatment,, d.block_id),
HMC(0.01, 10), 1000);
Code 14.20
t = DataFrame(ess_rhat(m14_2_ch));
ess_2 = t.ess[occursin.(r"σ|ρ", string.(t.parameters))]
ess_2 = filter(v -> !isnan(v), ess_2);
t = DataFrame(ess_rhat(m14_3_ch));
ess_3 = t.ess[occursin.(r"σ|ρ", string.(t.parameters))]
ess_3 = filter(v -> !isnan(v), ess_3);
bounds = extrema([ess_2; ess_3]) .+ (-20, 20)
scatter(ess_2, ess_3, xlim=bounds, ylim=bounds, xlab="centered (default)", ylab="non-centered (cholesky)")
Code 14.21
m14_3_df = DataFrame(m14_3_ch);
Code 14.22
The results for both models 2 and 3 are weird and mismatch with the book. So, something is wrong here. Put below both link functions for experimentations.
Plot is from model 2, because model 3 is totally off.
gd = groupby(d, [:actor, :treatment])
c = combine(gd, :pulled_left => mean => :val)
pl = unstack(c, :actor, :treatment, :val);
l_fun = (r, (ai, ti)) -> begin
bi = 5
g = get(r, "g[$ti]", missing)
σ_actor = get(r, "σ_actor[$ti]", missing)
ρ_actor = reshape(collect(r[r"ρ_actor"]), (4, 4))
ρ_actor_L = cholesky(Symmetric(ρ_actor)).L
z_actor = reshape(collect(r[r"z_actor"]), (4, 7))
alpha = (σ_actor .* ρ_actor_L) * z_actor
a = alpha[ti, ai]
σ_block = get(r, "σ_block[$ti]", missing)
ρ_block = reshape(collect(r[r"ρ_block"]), (4, 4))
ρ_block_L = cholesky(Symmetric(ρ_block)).L
z_block = reshape(collect(r[r"z_block"]), (4, 6))
beta = (σ_block .* ρ_block_L) * z_block
b = beta[ti, bi]
logistic(g + a + b)
#p_post = link(m14_3_df, l_fun, Iterators.product(1:7, 1:4))
l_fun2 = (r, (ai, ti)) -> begin
bi = 5
g = get(r, "g[$ti]", missing)
a = get(r, "alpha[$ti,$ai]", missing)
b = get(r, "beta[$ti,$bi]", missing)
logistic(g + a + b)
p_post = link(m14_2_df, l_fun2, Iterators.product(1:7, 1:4))
p_μ = map(mean, p_post)
p_ci = map(PI, p_post);
rel_ci = map(idx -> (p_μ[idx]-p_ci[idx][1], p_ci[idx][2]-p_μ[idx]), CartesianIndices(p_ci));
n_names = ["R/N", "L/N", "R/P", "L/P"]
p = plot(ylims=(0, 1.1), ylab="proportion left lever", showaxis=:y, xticks=false)
hline!([0.5], c=:gray, s=:dash)
# raw data
for actor in 1:7
ofs = (actor-1)*4
actor > 1 && vline!([ofs+0.5], c=:gray)
plot!([ofs+1,ofs+3], collect(pl[actor,["1","3"]]), lw=2, m=:o, c=:black)
plot!([ofs+2,ofs+4], collect(pl[actor,["2","4"]]), lw=2, m=:o, c=:black)
anns = [
(ofs+idx, pl[actor,string(idx)]+.04, (name, 8))
for (idx,name) ∈ enumerate(n_names)
actor != 2 && annotate!(anns)
(2.5 + (idx-1)*4, 1.1, ("actor $idx", 8))
for idx ∈ 1:7
# posterior predictions
for actor in 1:7
ofs = (actor-1)*4
actor > 1 && vline!([ofs+0.5], c=:gray)
err = [rel_ci[actor,1], rel_ci[actor,3]]
plot!([ofs+1,ofs+3], collect(p_μ[actor,[1,3]]), err=err, lw=2, m=:o, c=:blue)
err = [rel_ci[actor,2], rel_ci[actor,4]]
plot!([ofs+2,ofs+4], collect(p_μ[actor,[2,4]]), err=err, lw=2, m=:o, c=:blue)
Code 14.23
N = 500
U_sim = rand(Normal(), N)
Q_sim = rand(1:4, N)
E_sim = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ U_sim .+ Q_sim]
W_sim = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ U_sim .+ 0*Q_sim]
dat_sim = DataFrame(
W=standardize(ZScoreTransform, W_sim),
E=standardize(ZScoreTransform, E_sim),
Q=standardize(ZScoreTransform, float.(Q_sim)),
Code 14.24
@model function m14_4(W, E)
σ ~ Exponential()
aW ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bEW ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. aW + bEW * E
W ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m14_4_ch = sample(m14_4(dat_sim.W, dat_sim.E),
NUTS(), 1000)
m14_4_df = DataFrame(m14_4_ch)
Code 14.25
@model function m14_5(W, E, Q)
σ ~ Exponential()
aW ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bEW ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bQW ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. aW + bEW * E + bQW * Q
W ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m14_5_ch = sample(m14_5(dat_sim.W, dat_sim.E, dat_sim.Q),
NUTS(), 1000)
m14_5_df = DataFrame(m14_5_ch)
Code 14.26
@model function m14_6(W, E, Q, WE)
σ ~ filldist(Exponential(), 2)
ρ ~ LKJ(2, 2)
aW ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
aE ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bEW ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bQE ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μW = @. aW + bEW*E
μE = @. aW + bQE*Q
Σ = (σ .* σ') .* ρ
for i ∈ eachindex(WE)
WE[i] ~ MvNormal([μW[i], μE[i]], Σ)
# need to combine W and E here (Turing vars limitation)
WE = [[w,e] for (w,e) ∈ zip(dat_sim.W, dat_sim.E)]
m14_6_ch = sample(m14_6(dat_sim.W, dat_sim.E, dat_sim.Q, WE), NUTS(200, 0.65, init_ϵ=0.003), 1000)
m14_6_df = DataFrame(m14_6_ch);
# Drop cols with zero variance
df = m14_6_df[:,Not("ρ[1,1]")][:,Not("ρ[2,2]")]
Code 14.28
N = 500
U_sim = rand(Normal(), N)
Q_sim = rand(1:4, N)
E_sim = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ U_sim .+ Q_sim]
W_sim = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ -U_sim .+ 0.2*Q_sim]
dat_sim = DataFrame(
W=standardize(ZScoreTransform, W_sim),
E=standardize(ZScoreTransform, E_sim),
Q=standardize(ZScoreTransform, float.(Q_sim)),
Code 14.29
using Dagitty
g = DAG(:Q => :E, :U => :E, :E => :W, :E => :W)
# not implemented in dagitty.jl yet
Code 14.30
kl_dyads = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/KosterLeckie.csv"))
Code 14.31
kl_data = (
N = nrow(kl_dyads),
N_households = maximum(kl_dyads.hidB),
did = kl_dyads.did,
hidA = kl_dyads.hidA,
hidB = kl_dyads.hidB,
giftsAB = kl_dyads.giftsAB,
giftsBA = kl_dyads.giftsBA,
@model function m14_7(N, N_households, hidA, hidB, did, giftsAB, giftsBA)
a ~ Normal()
ρ_gr ~ LKJ(2, 4)
σ_gr ~ filldist(Exponential(), 2)
Σ = (σ_gr .* σ_gr') .* ρ_gr
gr ~ filldist(MvNormal(Σ), N_households)
# dyad effects (use 2 z values)
z₁ ~ filldist(Normal(), N)
z₂ ~ filldist(Normal(), N)
z = [z₁ z₂]'
σ_d ~ Exponential()
ρ_d ~ LKJ(2, 8)
L_ρ_d = cholesky(Symmetric(ρ_d)).L
d = (σ_d .* L_ρ_d) * z
λ_AB = exp.(a .+ gr[1, hidA] .+ gr[2, hidB] .+ d[1, did])
λ_BA = exp.(a .+ gr[1, hidB] .+ gr[2, hidA] .+ d[2, did])
for i ∈ eachindex(giftsAB)
giftsAB[i] ~ Poisson(λ_AB[i])
giftsBA[i] ~ Poisson(λ_BA[i])
return d
model = m14_7(
kl_data.N, kl_data.N_households, kl_data.hidA, kl_data.hidB,
kl_data.did, kl_data.giftsAB, kl_data.giftsBA
m14_7_ch = sample(model,
NUTS(1000, 0.65, init_ϵ=0.025),
m14_7_df = DataFrame(m14_7_ch);
Code 14.32
precis(m14_7_df[:, r"_gr\[(1,2|2,1|1|2)\]"])
Code 14.33
g = [
m14_7_df.a .+ m14_7_df[!,"gr[1,$i]"]
for i ∈ 1:25
r = [
m14_7_df.a .+ m14_7_df[!,"gr[2,$i]"]
for i ∈ 1:25
g = hcat(g...)'
r = hcat(r...)';
Eg_μ = mean(eachcol(exp.(g)))
Er_μ = mean(eachcol(exp.(r)));
Code 14.34
plot(xlim=(0, 8.6), ylim=(0,8.6), xlab="generalized giving", ylab="generalized receiving")
plot!(x -> x, c=:black, s=:dash)
for i ∈ 1:25
gi = exp.(g[i,:])
ri = exp.(r[i,:])
Σ = cov([gi ri])
μ = [mean(gi), mean(ri)]
dt = acos(Σ[1,2])
xₜ(t) = Σ[1,1]*cos(t + dt/2) + μ[1]
yₜ(t) = Σ[2,2]*cos(t - dt/2) + μ[2]
plot!(xₜ, yₜ, 0, 2π, c=:black, lw=1)
scatter!(Eg_μ, Er_μ, c=:white, msw=1.5)
Code 14.35
precis(m14_7_df[:, r"_d"])
Code 14.36
Illustrates generated_quantities
trick to extract values returned from the model
ch = Turing.MCMCChains.get_sections(m14_7_ch, :parameters)
d_vals = generated_quantities(model, ch)
d_y1 = [r[1,:] for r in d_vals]
d_y1 = hcat(d_y1...)
d_y1 = mean.(eachrow(d_y1))
d_y2 = [r[2,:] for r in d_vals]
d_y2 = hcat(d_y2...)
d_y2 = mean.(eachrow(d_y2))
scatter(d_y1, d_y2)
Code 14.37
islandsDistMatrix = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/islandsDistMatrix.csv"))
# drop index column
select!(islandsDistMatrix, Not(:Column1))
# round distances
show(mapcols(c -> round.(c, digits=1), islandsDistMatrix), allcols=true)
Code 14.38
plot(x -> exp(-x), xlim=(0, 4), label="linear", lw=2)
plot!(x -> exp(-(x^2)), label="squared", lw=2)
Code 14.39
Adapted from example here:
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/Kline2.csv"))
d[:, "society"] = 1:10;
dat_list = (
T = d.total_tools,
P = d.population,
society = d.society,
Dmat = Matrix(islandsDistMatrix),
@model function m14_8(T, P, society, Dmat)
η² ~ Exponential(2)
ρ² ~ Exponential(0.5)
a ~ Exponential()
b ~ Exponential()
g ~ Exponential()
Σ = η² * exp.(-ρ² * Dmat^2) + LinearAlgebra.I * (0.01 + η²)
k ~ MvNormal(zeros(10), Σ)
λ = @. (a*P^b/g)*exp(k[society])
@. T ~ Poisson(λ)
m14_8_ch = sample(m14_8(dat_list.T, dat_list.P, dat_list.society, dat_list.Dmat),
NUTS(), 1000)
m14_8_df = DataFrame(m14_8_ch);
Code 14.40
Code 14.41
x_seq = range(0, 10, length=100)
rx_link = (r, x) -> r.η²*exp(-r.ρ²*x^2)
pmcov = link(m14_8_df, rx_link, x_seq)
pmcov = hcat(pmcov...)
pmcov_μ = mean.(eachcol(pmcov))
p = plot(xlab="distance (thousand km)", ylab="covariance", title="Gaussian process posterior",
xlim=(0,10), ylim=(0,2))
plot!(x_seq, pmcov_μ, c=:black, lw=2)
for r ∈ first(eachrow(m14_8_df), 50)
plot!(x -> rx_link(r, x), c=:black, alpha=0.3)
Code 14.42
η² = median(m14_8_df.η²)
ρ² = median(m14_8_df.ρ²)
K = map(d -> η² * exp(-ρ²*d^2), Matrix(islandsDistMatrix))
K += LinearAlgebra.I * (0.01 + η²);
Code 14.43
Rho = round.(cov2cor(K, sqrt.(diag(K))), digits=2)
cnames = ["Ml","Ti","SC","Ya","Fi","Tr","Ch","Mn","To","Ha"]
Rho = DataFrame(Rho, :auto)
rename!(Rho, cnames)
show(Rho, allcols=true)
Code 14.44
psize = d.logpop ./ maximum(d.logpop)
psize = @. exp(psize * 1.5) - 2
labels = map(s -> text(s, 10, :bottom), d.culture)
p = scatter(d.lon2,, msize=psize*4, texts=labels,
xlab="longitude", ylab="lattitude", xlim=(-50, 30))
for (i, j) ∈ Base.Iterators.product(1:10, 1:10)
i >= j && continue
plot!(d.lon2[[i,j]],[[i, j]], c=:black, lw=2, alpha=2*(Rho[i,j]^2))
Code 14.45
logpop_seq = range(6, 14, length=30)
rx_link = (r, x) -> r.a * exp(x)^r.b / r.g
λ = link(m14_8_df, rx_link, logpop_seq)
λ = hcat(λ...)
λ_median = median.(eachcol(λ))
λ_pi = PI.(eachcol(λ))
λ_pi = hcat(λ_pi...)'
p = scatter(d.logpop, d.total_tools, msize=psize*4, texts=labels,
xlab="log population", ylab="total tools", ylim=(0, 74))
plot!(logpop_seq, λ_median, c=:black, ls=:dash)
plot!(logpop_seq, λ_pi[:,1], c=:black, ls=:dash)
plot!(logpop_seq, λ_pi[:,2], c=:black, ls=:dash)
# overlay correlation
for (i, j) ∈ Base.Iterators.product(1:10, 1:10)
i >= j && continue
plot!(d.logpop[[i,j]], d.total_tools[[i, j]], c=:black, lw=2, alpha=2*(Rho[i,j]^2))
Code 14.46
@model function m14_8nc(T, P, society, Dmat)
η² ~ Exponential(2)
ρ² ~ Exponential(0.5)
a ~ Exponential()
b ~ Exponential()
g ~ Exponential()
Σ = η² * exp.(-ρ² * Dmat^2) + LinearAlgebra.I * (0.01 + η²)
L_Σ = cholesky(Σ).L
z ~ filldist(Normal(0, 1), 10)
k = L_Σ .* z
λ = @. (a*P^b/g)*exp(k[society])
@. T ~ Poisson(λ)
m14_8nc_ch = sample(m14_8nc(dat_list.T, dat_list.P, dat_list.society, dat_list.Dmat),
NUTS(), 1000);
Code 14.47
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/Primates301.csv", missingstring="NA"))
Code 14.48
dstan = d[completecases(d, ["group_size", "body", "brain"]), :]
spp_obs =;
Code 14.49
dat_list = (
N_spp = nrow(dstan),
M = standardize(ZScoreTransform, log.(dstan.body)),
B = standardize(ZScoreTransform, log.(dstan.brain)),
G = standardize(ZScoreTransform, log.(dstan.group_size)),
@model function m14_9(N_spp, M, B, G)
σ_sq ~ Exponential()
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bG ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
a ~ Normal()
μ = @. a + bM*M + bG * G
B ~ MvNormal(μ, σ_sq)
m14_9_ch = sample(m14_9(dat_list...), NUTS(), 1000)
m14_9_df = DataFrame(m14_9_ch)
Code 14.50
V = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/Primates301_vcov_matrix.csv"))
Dmat = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/Primates301_distance_matrix.csv"))
# Drop index columns
select!(V, Not(:Column1))
select!(Dmat, Not(:Column1));
p = scatter(Matrix(Dmat), Matrix(V), c=:black, ms=2)
display("image/png", p)
Code 14.51
V_inds = [
findfirst(x -> x == n, names(V))
for n in spp_obs
V_dat = Matrix(V[V_inds, V_inds])
R = V_dat ./ maximum(V_dat);
@model function m14_10(N_spp, M, B, G, R)
σ_sq ~ Exponential()
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bG ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
a ~ Normal()
μ = @. a + bM*M + bG * G
Σ = R * σ_sq
B ~ MvNormal(μ, Σ)
m14_10_ch = sample(m14_10(dat_list..., R), NUTS(), 1000)
m14_10_df = DataFrame(m14_10_ch)
Code 14.52
D_inds = [
findfirst(x -> x == n, names(Dmat))
for n in spp_obs
D_dat = Matrix(Dmat[D_inds, D_inds])
D_dat ./= maximum(D_dat);
@model function m14_11(N_spp, M, B, G, D_dat)
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bG ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
a ~ Normal()
μ = @. a + bM*M + bG * G
η² ~ TruncatedNormal(1, 0.25, 1, Inf)
ρ² ~ TruncatedNormal(3, 0.25, 3, Inf)
Σ = η² * exp.(-ρ² * D_dat) + LinearAlgebra.I * (0.01 + η²)
B ~ MvNormal(μ, Σ)
m14_11_ch = sample(m14_11(dat_list..., D_dat), NUTS(500, 0.65, init_ϵ=0.4), 4000)
m14_11_df = DataFrame(m14_11_ch)
Code 14.53
plot(xlim=(0, maximum(D_dat)), ylim=(0, 1.5), xlab="phylogenetic distance", ylab="covariance")
# posterior
for r in first(eachrow(m14_11_df), 30)
plot!(x -> η² * exp(-ρ²*x), c=:black, alpha=0.5)
η = rand(Normal(1, 0.25), 1000)
ρ = rand(Normal(3, 0.25), 1000)
d_seq = range(0, 1, length=50)
K = [
η² * exp(-ρ²*d)
for d ∈ d_seq
for (η², ρ²) ∈ zip(η, ρ)
K = hcat(K...)'
K_μ = mean.(eachcol(K))
K_pi = PI.(eachcol(K))
K_pi = vcat(K_pi'...)
plot!(d_seq, [K_μ K_μ], fillrange=K_pi, fillalpha=0.2, c=:black)
(0.5, 0.5, text("prior", 12)),
(0.2, 0.2, text("posterior", 12))