using GLM
using CSV
using Optim
using Random
using StatsBase
using DataFrames
using Dagitty
using Turing
using StatsPlots
using StatsFuns
using StatisticalRethinking
using StatisticalRethinking: link
using StatisticalRethinkingPlots
using ParetoSmoothedImportanceSampling
using Logging
using ProgressBars
Code 7.1
sppnames = ["afarensis", "africanus", "habilis", "boisei", "rudolfensis", "ergaster", "sapiens"]
brainvolcc = [438, 452, 612, 521, 752, 871, 1350]
masskg = [37.0, 35.5, 34.5, 41.5, 55.5, 61.0, 53.5]
d = DataFrame(:species => sppnames, :brain => brainvolcc, :mass => masskg);
Code 7.2
d[!,:mass_std] = (d.mass .- mean(d.mass))./std(d.mass)
d[!,:brain_std] = d.brain ./ maximum(d.brain);
Code 7.3
To match results from the book, the model was optimized using MAP estimation, not the MCMC I used before. The reason for that is the MCMC producing different estimation for log_σ value, which makes all the values very different.
If you want, you can experiment with NUTS sampler for models in 7.1 and 7.2.
In addition, you can also check this discussion:
# TODO: move into Rethinking package
using Dates
import StatsBase: sample
import Turing: ModeResult
import LinearAlgebra: Symmetric
function sample(m::ModeResult, n::Int)::Chains
st = now()
μ = coef(m)
Σ = Symmetric(vcov(m))
dist = MvNormal(μ, Σ)
Chains(rand(dist, n)', coefnames(m), info=(start_time=st, stop_time=now()))
sample (generic function with 49 methods)
@model function model_m7_1(mass_std, brain_std)
a ~ Normal(0.5, 1)
b ~ Normal(0, 10)
μ = @. a + b*mass_std
log_σ ~ Normal(0, 1)
brain_std ~ MvNormal(μ, exp(log_σ))
estim = optimize(model_m7_1(d.mass_std, d.brain_std), MAP())
m7_1 = DataFrame(sample(estim, 1000))
┌───────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ param │ mean std 5.5% 50% 94.5% histogram │ ├───────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ a │ 0.527 0.0724 0.4097 0.5279 0.6367 ▁▁▁▄▆█▇▄▁▁▁ │ │ b │ 0.166 0.0746 0.0473 0.1701 0.283 ▁▁▂▅▆█▆▃▁▁▁▁ │ │ log_σ │ -1.7003 0.2985 -2.213 -1.6961 -1.2384 ▁▂▃▆██▃▂▁▁ │ └───────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Code 7.4
X = hcat(ones(length(d.mass_std)), d.mass_std)
m = lm(X, d.brain_std)
LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}}}: Coefficients: ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Coef. Std. Error t Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95% ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── x1 0.528677 0.0705692 7.49 0.0007 0.347273 0.710081 x2 0.167118 0.0762235 2.19 0.0798 -0.0288204 0.363057 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Code 7.5
s = simulate(m7_1, (r, x) -> Normal(r.a + r.b * x, exp(r.log_σ)), d.mass_std)
s = vcat(s'...);
r = mean.(eachcol(s)) .- d.brain_std;
resid_var = var(r, corrected=false)
outcome_var = var(d.brain_std, corrected=false)
1 - resid_var/outcome_var
Code 7.6
# function is implemented in a generic way to support any amount of b[x] coefficients
function R2_is_bad(df; sigma=missing)
degree = ncol(df[!,r"b"])
# build mass_std*degree matrix, with each col exponentiated to col's index
t = repeat(d.mass_std, 1, degree)
t = hcat(map(.^, eachcol(t), 1:degree)...)
s = [
# calculate product on coefficient's vector
b = collect(r[r"b"])
μ = r.a .+ t * b
s = ismissing(sigma) ? exp(r.log_σ) : sigma
rand(MvNormal(μ, s))
for r ∈ eachrow(df)
s = vcat(s'...);
r = mean.(eachcol(s)) .- d.brain_std;
v1 = var(r, corrected=false)
v2 = var(d.brain_std, corrected=false)
1 - v1 / v2
R2_is_bad (generic function with 1 method)
Code 7.7
@model function model_m7_2(mass_std, brain_std)
a ~ Normal(0.5, 1)
b ~ MvNormal([0, 0], 10)
μ = @. a + b[1]*mass_std + b[2]*mass_std^2
log_σ ~ Normal(0, 1)
brain_std ~ MvNormal(μ, exp(log_σ))
estim = optimize(model_m7_2(d.mass_std, d.brain_std), MAP())
m7_2 = DataFrame(sample(estim, 1000));
Code 7.8
Implemented the sample in a general way
@model function model_m7_n(mass_std, brain_std; degree::Int)
a ~ Normal(0.5, 1)
b ~ MvNormal(zeros(degree), 10)
# build matrix n*degree
t = repeat(mass_std, 1, degree)
# exponent its columns
t = hcat(map(.^, eachcol(t), 1:degree)...)
# calculate product on coefficient's vector
μ = a .+ t * b
log_σ ~ Normal(0, 1)
brain_std ~ MvNormal(μ, exp(log_σ))
estim = optimize(model_m7_n(d.mass_std, d.brain_std, degree=3), MAP())
m7_3 = DataFrame(sample(estim, 1000));
estim = optimize(model_m7_n(d.mass_std, d.brain_std, degree=4), MAP())
m7_4 = DataFrame(sample(estim, 1000));
estim = optimize(model_m7_n(d.mass_std, d.brain_std, degree=5), MAP())
m7_5 = DataFrame(sample(estim, 1000));
Code 7.9
@model function model_m7_6(mass_std, brain_std)
a ~ Normal(0.5, 1)
b ~ MvNormal(zeros(6), 10)
μ = @. a + b[1]*mass_std + b[2]*mass_std^2 + b[3]*mass_std^3 +
b[4]*mass_std^4 + b[5]*mass_std^5 + b[6]*mass_std^6
brain_std ~ MvNormal(μ, 0.001)
estim = optimize(model_m7_6(d.mass_std, d.brain_std), MAP())
m7_6 = DataFrame(sample(estim, 1000));
Code 7.10
mass_seq = range(extrema(d.mass_std)...; length=100)
l = [
@. r.a + r.b * mass_seq
for r ∈ eachrow(m7_1)
l = vcat(l'...)
μ = mean.(eachcol(l))
ci = PI.(eachcol(l))
ci = vcat(ci'...)
scatter(d.mass_std, d.brain_std; title="1: R² = $(round(R2_is_bad(m7_1); digits=3))")
plot!(mass_seq, [μ μ]; fillrange=ci, c=:black, fillalpha=0.3)
# reimplemented the brand_plot function to check my results
function brain_plot(df; sigma=missing)
degree = ncol(df[!,r"b"])
# build mass_seq*degree matrix, with each col exponentiated to col's index
t = repeat(mass_seq, 1, degree)
t = hcat(map(.^, eachcol(t), 1:degree)...)
l = [
r.a .+ t * collect(r[r"b"])
for r ∈ eachrow(df)
l = vcat(l'...)
μ = mean.(eachcol(l))
ci = PI.(eachcol(l))
ci = vcat(ci'...)
r2 = round(R2_is_bad(df, sigma=sigma); digits=3)
scatter(d.mass_std, d.brain_std; title="$degree: R² = $r2")
plot!(mass_seq, [μ μ]; fillrange=ci, c=:black, fillalpha=0.3)
brain_plot (generic function with 1 method)
brain_plot(m7_6, sigma=0.001);
size=(1000, 600)
Code 7.11
i = 3
d_minus_i = d[setdiff(1:end,i),:];
function brain_loo_plot(model, data; title::String)
(a, b) = extrema(data.brain_std)
p = scatter(data.mass_std, data.brain_std; title=title, ylim=(a-0.1, b+0.1))
mass_seq = range(extrema(data.mass_std)...; length=100)
for i ∈ 1:nrow(data)
d_minus_i = data[setdiff(1:end,i),:]
df = DataFrame(sample(model(d_minus_i.mass_std, d_minus_i.brain_std), NUTS(), 1000))
degree = ncol(df[!,r"b"])
# build mass_seq*degree matrix, with each col exponentiated to col's index
t = repeat(mass_seq, 1, degree)
t = hcat(map(.^, eachcol(t), 1:degree)...)
l = [
r.a .+ t * collect(r[r"b"])
for r ∈ eachrow(df)
l = vcat(l'...)
μ = mean.(eachcol(l))
plot!(mass_seq, μ; c=:black)
brain_loo_plot (generic function with 1 method)
model_m7_4 = (mass, brain) -> model_m7_n(mass, brain, degree=4)
brain_loo_plot(model_m7_1, d, title="m7.1"),
brain_loo_plot(model_m7_4, d, title="m7.4");
size=(800, 400)
Code 7.12
p = [0.3, 0.7]
-sum(p .* log.(p))
Code 7.13
lppd(m7_1, (r,x)->Normal(r.a + r.b*x, exp(r.log_σ)), d.mass_std, d.brain_std)
7-element Vector{Float64}: 0.6083230644962487 0.6459176597910457 0.5376029134866727 0.6202304964969452 0.4669708249285982 0.43028792750436295 -0.8316062108529056
Code 7.14
s = [
logpdf(Normal(r.a + r.b * x, exp(r.log_σ)), y)
for r ∈ eachrow(m7_1)
logsumexp(s) - log(length(s))
for (x, y) ∈ zip(d.mass_std, d.brain_std)
7-element Vector{Float64}: 0.6083230644962487 0.6459176597910457 0.5376029134866727 0.6202304964969452 0.4669708249285982 0.43028792750436295 -0.8316062108529056
Code 7.15
# it could be implemented in a generic way, but I'm too lazy
df_funcs = [
(m7_1, (r, x) -> Normal(r.a + r.b*x, exp(r.log_σ))),
(m7_2, (r, x) -> Normal(r.a + r."b[1]" * x + r."b[2]"*x^2, exp(r.log_σ))),
(m7_3, (r, x) -> Normal(r.a + r."b[1]" * x + r."b[2]"*x^2 + r."b[3]"*x^3, exp(r.log_σ))),
(m7_4, (r, x) -> Normal(r.a + r."b[1]" * x + r."b[2]"*x^2 + r."b[3]"*x^3 +
r."b[4]"*x^4, exp(r.log_σ))),
(m7_5, (r, x) -> Normal(r.a + r."b[1]" * x + r."b[2]"*x^2 + r."b[3]"*x^3 +
r."b[4]"*x^4 + r."b[5]"*x^5, exp(r.log_σ))),
(m7_6, (r, x) -> Normal(r.a + r."b[1]" * x + r."b[2]"*x^2 + r."b[3]"*x^3 +
r."b[4]"*x^4 + r."b[5]"*x^5 + r."b[6]"*x^6, 0.001)),
sum(lppd(df, f, d.mass_std, d.brain_std))
for (df, f) ∈ df_funcs
6-element Vector{Float64}: 2.4777266758509677 2.6399363127557827 3.6335767479005687 5.307175447338949 14.062054177055876 39.516877683409476
Code 7.16
@model function m7_sim(x, y; degree::Int=2)
beta ~ MvNormal(zeros(degree), 1)
μ = x * beta
y ~ MvNormal(μ, 1)
# Calculate lppd*(-2) from sampled params (b), x matrix and target y values
function get_lppd(m_df, xseq, yseq)
t = DataFrame(:b => collect(eachrow(Matrix(m_df))))
-2*sum(lppd(t, (r, x) -> Normal(r.b'*x, 1), eachrow(xseq), yseq))
function calc_train_test(N, k; count=100)
trn_v, tst_v = [], []
for _ in 1:count
# method sim_train_test from StatisticalRethinking just simulates the data to be fitted by the model
y, x_train, x_test = sim_train_test(N=N, K=k)
estim = optimize(m7_sim(x_train, y, degree=max(2,k)), MAP())
m7_2 = DataFrame(sample(estim, 1000))
# commented out is the MCMC way of estimation instead of MAP
# m_chain = sample(m7_sim(x_train, y, degree=max(2,k)), NUTS(), 1000)
# m7_2 = DataFrame(m_chain)
t1 = get_lppd(m7_2, x_train, y)
t2 = get_lppd(m7_2, x_test, y)
push!(trn_v, t1)
push!(tst_v, t2)
(mean_and_std(trn_v), mean_and_std(tst_v))
calc_train_test (generic function with 1 method)
Code 7.17
k_count = 5
k_seq = 1:k_count
count = 100
trn_20, tst_20 = [], []
trn_100, tst_100 = [], []
Threads.@threads for k in k_seq
println("Processing $k with N=20...")
t1, t2 = calc_train_test(20, k, count=count)
push!(trn_20, t1)
push!(tst_20, t2)
println("Processing $k with N=100...")
t1, t2 = calc_train_test(100, k, count=count)
push!(trn_100, t1)
push!(tst_100, t2)
Processing 1 with N=20... Processing 1 with N=100... Processing 2 with N=20... Processing 2 with N=100... Processing 3 with N=20... Processing 3 with N=100... Processing 4 with N=20... Processing 4 with N=100... Processing 5 with N=20... Processing 5 with N=100...
Code 7.18
scatter(k_seq, first.(trn_20); yerr=last.(trn_20), label="train", title="N=20")
scatter!(k_seq .+ .1, first.(tst_20); yerr=last.(tst_20), label="test")
scatter(k_seq, first.(trn_100); yerr=last.(trn_100), label="train", title="N=100")
scatter!(k_seq .+ .1, first.(tst_100); yerr=last.(tst_100), label="test")
Hm, something is different
No code pieces in this section
Code 7.19
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/cars.csv", drop=["Column1"]))
@model function model_m(speed, dist)
a ~ Normal(0, 100)
b ~ Normal(0, 10)
μ = @. a + b * speed
σ ~ Exponential(1)
dist ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m_ch = sample(model_m(d.speed, d.dist), NUTS(), 1000)
m_df = DataFrame(m_ch);
Code 7.20
fun = (r, (x, y)) -> normlogpdf(r.a + r.b * x, r.σ, y)
lp = link(m_df, fun, zip(d.speed, d.dist))
lp = hcat(lp...);
Code 7.21
n_samples, n_cases = size(lp)
lppd_vals = [
logsumexp(c) - log(n_samples)
for c in eachcol(lp)
## if only lppd were needed, we can calculate it with
# lppd_vals = lppd(m_df, (r, x) -> Normal(r.a + r.b * x, r.σ), d.speed, d.dist)
Code 7.22
pWAIC = [
for c in eachcol(lp)
Code 7.23
-2*(sum(lppd_vals) - sum(pWAIC))
Code 7.24
waic_vec = -2*(lppd_vals .- pWAIC)
sqrt(n_cases * StatisticalRethinking.var2(waic_vec))
Data and models from chapter 6
# number of plants
N = 100
h0 = rand(Normal(10, 2), N)
treatment = repeat(0:1, inner=div(N, 2))
fungus = [rand(Binomial(1, 0.5 - treat*0.4)) for treat in treatment]
h1 = h0 .+ rand(MvNormal(5 .- 3 .* fungus, 1))
d = DataFrame(:h0 => h0, :h1 => h1, :treatment => treatment, :fungus => fungus)
@model function model_m6_6(h0, h1)
p ~ LogNormal(0, 0.25)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
μ = h0 .* p
h1 ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m6_6 = sample(model_m6_6(d.h0, d.h1), NUTS(), 1000)
m6_6_df = DataFrame(m6_6)
@model function model_m6_7(h0, treatment, fungus, h1)
a ~ LogNormal(0, 0.2)
bt ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bf ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
p = @. a + bt*treatment + bf*fungus
μ = h0 .* p
h1 ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m6_7 = sample(model_m6_7(d.h0, d.treatment, d.fungus, d.h1), NUTS(), 1000)
m6_7_df = DataFrame(m6_7)
@model function model_m6_8(h0, treatment, h1)
a ~ LogNormal(0, 0.2)
bt ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
p = @. a + bt*treatment
μ = h0 .* p
h1 ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m6_8 = sample(model_m6_8(d.h0, d.treatment, d.h1), NUTS(), 1000)
m6_8_df = DataFrame(m6_8);
Code 7.25
fun = (r, (x,bt,bf,y)) -> normlogpdf(x*(r.a +*bt +*bf), r.σ, y)
# log likelihood calculation
ll = link(m6_7_df, fun, zip(d.h0, d.treatment, d.fungus, d.h1));
ll = hcat(ll...);
(WAIC = 325.0325798695998, lppd = -158.9846099932586, penalty = 3.5316799415412317, std_err = 13.436867558736525)
Code 7.26
fun = (r, (x,y)) -> normlogpdf(x*r.p, r.σ, y)
m6_ll = link(m6_6_df, fun, zip(d.h0, d.h1));
m6_ll = hcat(m6_ll...);
fun = (r, (x,bt,bf,y)) -> normlogpdf(x*(r.a +*bt +*bf), r.σ, y)
m7_ll = link(m6_7_df, fun, zip(d.h0, d.treatment, d.fungus, d.h1));
m7_ll = hcat(m7_ll...);
fun = (r, (x,bt,y)) -> normlogpdf(x*(r.a +*bt), r.σ, y)
m8_ll = link(m6_8_df, fun, zip(d.h0, d.treatment, d.h1));
m8_ll = hcat(m8_ll...);
compare([m6_ll, m7_ll, m8_ll], :waic, mnames=["m6", "m7", "m8"])
3 rows × 8 columns
models | WAIC | lppd | SE | dWAIC | dSE | pWAIC | weight | |
String | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | m7 | 325.0 | 317.97 | 13.44 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3.53 | 1.0 |
2 | m8 | 398.0 | 392.39 | 13.11 | 73.0 | 13.25 | 2.81 | 0.0 |
3 | m6 | 407.4 | 404.19 | 12.04 | 82.4 | 12.55 | 1.6 | 0.0 |
Code 7.27
waic_m6_7 = waic(m7_ll, pointwise=true).WAIC
waic_m6_8 = waic(m8_ll, pointwise=true).WAIC
n = length(waic_m6_7)
diff_m6_78 = waic_m6_7 - waic_m6_8
Code 7.28
40.0 .+ [-1, 1]*10.4*2.6
2-element Vector{Float64}: 12.959999999999997 67.04
Code 7.29
dw = compare([m6_ll, m7_ll, m8_ll], :waic, mnames=["m6", "m7", "m8"])
scatter(reverse(dw.WAIC), reverse(dw.models); xerror=reverse(dw.SE))
Code 7.30
waic_m6_6 = waic(m6_ll, pointwise=true).WAIC
waic_m6_8 = waic(m8_ll, pointwise=true).WAIC
diff_m6_68 = waic_m6_6 - waic_m6_8
Code 7.31
Current version of
doesn't calculate pairwise error. You should use above logic to get values not returned in compare
Code 7.32
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/WaffleDivorce.csv"))
d[!,:D] = standardize(ZScoreTransform, d.Divorce)
d[!,:M] = standardize(ZScoreTransform, d.Marriage)
d[!,:A] = standardize(ZScoreTransform, d.MedianAgeMarriage)
@model function model_m5_1(A, D)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bA ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. a + bA * A
D ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_1 = sample(model_m5_1(d.A, d.D), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_1_df = DataFrame(m5_1)
@model function model_m5_2(M, D)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. a + bM * M
D ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_2 = sample(model_m5_2(d.M, d.D), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_2_df = DataFrame(m5_2);
@model function model_m5_3(A, M, D)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bA ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. a + bA * A + bM * M
D ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_3 = sample(model_m5_3(d.A, d.M, d.D), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_3_df = DataFrame(m5_3);
fun = (r, (x,y)) -> normlogpdf(r.a + r.bA * x, r.σ, y)
m5_1_ll = link(m5_1_df, fun, zip(d.A, d.D));
m5_1_ll = hcat(m5_1_ll...)
fun = (r, (x,y)) -> normlogpdf(r.a + r.bM * x, r.σ, y)
m5_2_ll = link(m5_2_df, fun, zip(d.M, d.D));
m5_2_ll = hcat(m5_2_ll...)
fun = (r, (a,m,y)) -> normlogpdf(r.a + r.bA * a + r.bM * m, r.σ, y)
m5_3_ll = link(m5_3_df, fun, zip(d.A, d.M, d.D));
m5_3_ll = hcat(m5_3_ll...);
Code 7.33
compare([m5_1_ll, m5_2_ll, m5_3_ll], :psis, mnames=["m5.1", "m5.2", "m5.3"])
3 rows × 8 columns
models | PSIS | lppd | SE | dPSIS | dSE | pPSIS | weight | |
String | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | Float64 | |
1 | m5.1 | 125.2 | 118.43 | 12.29 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 3.62 | 0.69 |
2 | m5.3 | 126.8 | 118.12 | 12.21 | 1.6 | 0.71 | 4.68 | 0.31 |
3 | m5.2 | 138.7 | 133.38 | 9.7 | 13.5 | 8.85 | 2.88 | 0.0 |
Code 7.34
using ParetoSmooth
# reshape data to format of psis_loo function
function ll_to_psis(ll)
t = ll'
collect(reshape(t, size(t)..., 1))
m5_3_t = ll_to_psis(m5_3_ll)
PSIS_m5_3 = psis_loo(m5_3_t)
WAIC_m5_3 = waic(m5_3_ll, pointwise=true)
scatter(PSIS_m5_3.pointwise(:pareto_k), WAIC_m5_3.penalty,
xlab="PSIS Pareto k", ylab="WAIC penalty", title="Gaussian model (m5.3)")
vline!([0.5], c=:black, s=:dash)
Code 7.35
# have to import it explicitly, as it is not exported
import Distributions: IsoTDist
@model function model_m5_3t(A, M, D)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bA ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. a + bA * A + bM * M
D ~ IsoTDist(2, μ, σ)
m5_3t = sample(model_m5_3t(d.A, d.M, d.D), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_3t_df = DataFrame(m5_3);
Visualize PSIS
fun = (r, (a,m,y)) -> logpdf(IsoTDist(2, [r.a + r.bA * a + r.bM * m], r.σ), [y])
m5_3t_ll = link(m5_3t_df, fun, zip(d.A, d.M, d.D));
m5_3t_ll = hcat(m5_3t_ll...);
m5_3t_t = ll_to_psis(m5_3t_ll)
PSIS_m5_3t = psis_loo(m5_3t_t)
WAIC_m5_3t = waic(m5_3t_ll, pointwise=true)
scatter(PSIS_m5_3t.pointwise(:pareto_k), WAIC_m5_3t.penalty,
xlab="PSIS Pareto k", ylab="WAIC penalty", title="Gaussian model (m5.3)")
vline!([0.5], c=:black, s=:dash)