using CSV
using DataFrames
using Turing
using Logging
using StatisticalRethinking
using StatisticalRethinking: link # import explicitly, because Turing has link method also
using StatisticalRethinkingPlots
using StatsBase
using Random
using LaTeXStrings
using StatsPlots
using Dagitty
Code 5.1
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/WaffleDivorce.csv"))
d[!,:D] = standardize(ZScoreTransform, d.Divorce)
d[!,:M] = standardize(ZScoreTransform, d.Marriage)
d[!,:A] = standardize(ZScoreTransform, d.MedianAgeMarriage);
Code 5.2
Code 5.3
@model function model_m5_1(A, D)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bA ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. a + bA * A
D ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_1 = sample(model_m5_1(d.A, d.D), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_1_df = DataFrame(m5_1)
prior = sample(model_m5_1([0], [0]), Prior(), 1000)
prior_df = DataFrame(prior);
Code 5.4
# calculate μ for every prior sample on age=-2 and age=2
bounds = [-2, 2]
μ = link(prior_df, [:a, :bA], bounds)
μ = hcat(μ...);
p = plot(xlab="Median age marriage (std)", ylab="Divorce rate (std)")
for μₚ ∈ first(eachrow(μ), 50)
plot!(bounds, μₚ; c=:black, alpha=0.3)
Code 5.5
A_seq = range(-3, 3.2; length=30)
μ = link(m5_1_df, [:a, :bA], A_seq)
μ = hcat(μ...)
μ_mean = mean.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = PI.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = vcat(μ_PI'...)
@df d scatter(:A, :D; xlab="Median age marriage (std)", ylab="Divorce rate (std)")
plot!(A_seq, [μ_mean μ_mean]; c=:black, fillrange=μ_PI, fillalpha=0.2)
Code 5.6
@model function model_m5_2(M, D)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. a + bM * M
D ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_2 = sample(model_m5_2(d.M, d.D), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_2_df = DataFrame(m5_2);
M_seq = range(-1.74, 2.8; length=30)
μ = link(m5_2_df, [:a, :bM], M_seq)
μ = hcat(μ...)
μ_mean = mean.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = PI.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = vcat(μ_PI'...)
@df d scatter(:M, :D; xlab="Marriage rate (std)", ylab="Divorce rate (std)")
plot!(M_seq, [μ_mean μ_mean]; c=:black, fillrange=μ_PI, fillalpha=0.2)
Code 5.7
g = Dagitty.DAG(:A => :M, :A => :D, :M => :D)
drawdag(g, [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0])
Code 5.8
g = Dagitty.DAG(:A => :M, :A => :D)
1-element Vector{ConditionalIndependence}: ConditionalIndependence(:D, :M, [:A])
Code 5.9
g = Dagitty.DAG(:A => :M, :A => :D, :M => :D)
Code 5.10
@model function model_m5_3(A, M, D)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bA ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. a + bA * A + bM * M
D ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_3 = sample(model_m5_3(d.A, d.M, d.D), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_3_df = DataFrame(m5_3)
┌───────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ param │ mean std 5.5% 50% 94.5% histogram │ ├───────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ a │ 0.0015 0.1026 -0.1768 0.0045 0.163 ▁▁▁▄██▄▁ │ │ bA │ -0.6043 0.1619 -0.8586 -0.5983 -0.3446 ▁▁▃▆██▆▃▁▁ │ │ bM │ -0.064 0.1575 -0.315 -0.0647 0.1952 ▁▁▃▅███▄▂▁▁ │ │ σ │ 0.824 0.0793 0.7055 0.8181 0.9662 ▁▂▄▇█▅▃▁▁▁▁ │ └───────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Code 5.11
coeftab_plot(m5_1_df, m5_2_df, m5_3_df; pars=(:bA, :bM), names=["m5.1", "m5.2", "m5.3"])
Code 5.12
N = 50
age = rand(Normal(), N)
mar = rand.(Normal.(-age))
div = rand.(Normal.(age));
s1 = DataFrame(sample(model_m5_1(age, div), NUTS(), 1000))
s2 = DataFrame(sample(model_m5_2(mar, div), NUTS(), 1000))
s3 = DataFrame(sample(model_m5_3(age, mar, div), NUTS(), 1000));
coeftab_plot(s1, s2, s3; pars=(:bA, :bM), names=["s1", "s2", "s3"])
N = 50
age = rand(Normal(), N)
mar = rand.(Normal.(-age))
div = rand.(Normal.(age .+ mar));
s1 = DataFrame(sample(model_m5_1(age, div), NUTS(), 1000))
s2 = DataFrame(sample(model_m5_2(mar, div), NUTS(), 1000))
s3 = DataFrame(sample(model_m5_3(age, mar, div), NUTS(), 1000));
coeftab_plot(s1, s2, s3; pars=(:bA, :bM), names=["s1", "s2", "s3"])
Code 5.13
@model function model_m5_4(A, M)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bAM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. a + bAM * A
M ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_4 = sample(model_m5_4(d.A, d.M), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_4_df = DataFrame(m5_4);
Code 5.14
mu = link(m5_4_df, [:a, :bAM], d.A);
mu = hcat(mu...)
mu_mean = mean.(eachcol(mu))
mu_resid = mu_mean .- d.M;
# Side-note: how to plot the residuals
# getting yerr - list of 2-tuples with distance to the regression line
yerr = collect(zip(-clamp.(mu_resid, -Inf, -0.0), clamp.(mu_resid, 0, Inf)));
plot(d.A, mu_mean; xlab="Age at marriage (std)", ylab="Marriage rate (std)")
scatter!(d.A, d.M)
scatter!(d.A, d.M; yerr=yerr, markersize=0)
Code 5.15
fun = (r,(a,m)) -> r.a + r.bA*a + r.bM*m
mu = link(m5_3_df, fun, zip(d.A, d.M))
mu = hcat(mu...)
mu_mean = mean.(eachcol(mu))
mu_PI = PI.(eachcol(mu))
mu_PI = vcat(mu_PI'...);
fun = (r, (a,m)) -> Normal(r.a+r.bA*a+r.bM*m, r.σ)
D_sim = simulate(m5_3_df, fun, zip(d.A, d.M))
D_sim = vcat(D_sim'...);
D_PI = PI.(eachcol(D_sim))
D_PI = vcat(D_PI'...);
Code 5.16
yerr = mu_PI[:,2] .- mu_mean
scatter(d.D, mu_mean; xlab="Observed divorce", ylab="Predicted divorce", yerr=yerr)
plot!(x->x; style=:dash)
Code 5.17
loc_flags = d.Loc .∈ (["ID", "UT", "RI", "ME"],);
loc_idxes = findall(loc_flags);
anns = [
(d.D[idx] - 0.1, mu_mean[idx], (d.Loc[idx], 8))
for idx in loc_idxes
Code 5.18
N = 100
x_real = rand(Normal(), N)
x_spur = rand.(Normal.(x_real))
y = rand.(Normal.(x_real))
df = DataFrame(:y => y, :x_real => x_real, :x_spur => x_spur);
Code 5.19
d1 = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/WaffleDivorce.csv"))
d = DataFrame(
:D => standardize(ZScoreTransform, d1.Divorce),
:M => standardize(ZScoreTransform, d1.Marriage),
:A => standardize(ZScoreTransform, d1.MedianAgeMarriage),
@model function model_m5_3A(A, M, D)
# A → D ← M
σ ~ Exponential(1)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bA ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ = @. a + bA * A + bM * M
D ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
# A → M
σ_M ~ Exponential(1)
aM ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bAM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
μ_M = @. aM + bAM * A
M ~ MvNormal(μ_M, σ_M)
m5_3A = sample(model_m5_3A(d.A, d.M, d.D), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_3A_df = DataFrame(m5_3A)
┌───────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ param │ mean std 5.5% 50% 94.5% histogram │ ├───────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ a │ 0.002 0.1019 -0.1599 -0.0009 0.168 ▁▁▃██▄▁▁ │ │ aM │ -0.0002 0.0876 -0.141 -0.0011 0.138 ▁▁▂▃▅██▆▃▁▁▁ │ │ bA │ -0.6029 0.1556 -0.847 -0.6026 -0.3537 ▁▁▃▆██▅▃▁▁ │ │ bAM │ -0.6985 0.0986 -0.8573 -0.6975 -0.5438 ▁▁▂▄▆██▇▄▂▁▁▁▁ │ │ bM │ -0.0614 0.1564 -0.3031 -0.0576 0.1791 ▁▁▂▄██▇▃▁▁▁▁ │ │ σ │ 0.8314 0.0905 0.6973 0.8253 0.982 ▁▂▅██▇▅▃▁▁▁▁▁ │ │ σ_M │ 0.7135 0.0723 0.6091 0.7084 0.8318 ▁▂▅▇█▅▃▁▁▁▁ │ └───────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Code 5.20
A_seq = range(-2, 2; length=30);
Code 5.21
s_M, s_D = [], []
for r ∈ eachrow(m5_3A_df)
M = rand(MvNormal((@. r.aM + r.bAM * A_seq), r.σ_M))
D = rand(MvNormal((@. r.a + r.bA * A_seq + r.bM * M), r.σ))
push!(s_M, M)
push!(s_D, D)
s_M = vcat(s_M'...)
s_D = vcat(s_D'...);
Code 5.22
μ_D = mean.(eachcol(s_D))
PI_D = vcat(PI.(eachcol(s_D))'...)
A_seq, [μ_D, μ_D];
fillrange=PI_D, fillalpha=0.2, color=:black,
xlab="manupulated A", ylab="counterfactual D",
title="Total counterfactual effect of A on D"
μ_M = mean.(eachcol(s_M))
PI_M = vcat(PI.(eachcol(s_M))'...)
A_seq, [μ_M, μ_M];
fillrange=PI_M, fillalpha=0.2, color=:black,
xlab="manupulated A", ylab="counterfactual M",
title="Total counterfactual effect of A on M"
Code 5.23
sim2_A = @. ([20, 30] - 26.1) / 1.24;
s2_M, s2_D = [], []
for r ∈ eachrow(m5_3A_df)
M = rand(MvNormal((@. r.aM + r.bAM * sim2_A), r.σ_M))
D = rand(MvNormal((@. r.a + r.bA * sim2_A + r.bM * M), r.σ))
push!(s2_M, M)
push!(s2_D, D)
s2_M = vcat(s2_M'...)
s2_D = vcat(s2_D'...);
mean(s2_D[:,2] - s2_D[:,1])
Code 5.24
M_seq = range(-2, 2; length=30)
s_D = []
for r ∈ eachrow(m5_3A_df)
# A is zero, so, we drop it from the μ term
D = rand(MvNormal((@. r.a + r.bM * M_seq), r.σ))
push!(s_D, D)
s_D = vcat(s_D'...);
μ_D = mean.(eachcol(s_D))
PI_D = vcat(PI.(eachcol(s_D))'...)
M_seq, [μ_D, μ_D];
fillrange=PI_D, fillalpha=0.2, color=:black,
xlab="manupulated M", ylab="counterfactual D",
title="Total counterfactual effect of M on D"
Code 5.25
A_seq = range(-2, 2; length=30);
Code 5.26
s_M = simulate(m5_3A_df, (r,a) -> Normal(r.aM + r.bAM*a), A_seq)
s_M = vcat(s_M'...);
Code 5.27
# joining M into dataframe with parameters
t = DataFrame(m5_3A_df)
t[!,:M] = collect(eachrow(s_M));
s_D = simulate(t, (r,(a,m)) -> Normal(r.a + r.bA*a + r.bM*r.M[m], r.σ), zip(A_seq, 1:30))
s_D = vcat(s_D'...);
Code 5.28
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/milk.csv", missingstring="NA"))
# get rid of dots in column names
rename!(n -> replace(n, "." => "_"), d)
8 rows × 7 columns (omitted printing of 1 columns)
variable | mean | min | median | max | nmissing | |
Symbol | Union… | Any | Union… | Any | Int64 | |
1 | clade | Ape | Strepsirrhine | 0 | ||
2 | species | A palliata | Symphalangus syndactylus | 0 | ||
3 | kcal_per_g | 0.641724 | 0.46 | 0.6 | 0.97 | 0 |
4 | perc_fat | 33.9903 | 3.93 | 36.84 | 55.51 | 0 |
5 | perc_protein | 16.4034 | 7.37 | 15.8 | 25.3 | 0 |
6 | perc_lactose | 49.6062 | 27.09 | 48.64 | 71.91 | 0 |
7 | mass | 14.7269 | 0.12 | 3.47 | 97.72 | 0 |
8 | neocortex_perc | 67.5759 | 55.16 | 68.85 | 76.3 | 12 |
Code 5.29
d[!,:K] = standardize(ZScoreTransform, d.kcal_per_g)
d[!,:M] = standardize(ZScoreTransform, log.(d.mass))
# column contains missing values, need to propagate them on standartization
d[!,:N] = d.neocortex_perc
non_miss = findall(!ismissing, d.N);
d[non_miss,:N] = standardize(ZScoreTransform, disallowmissing(d.N[non_miss]));
Code 5.30
Expected to fail
@model function model_m5_5_draft(N, K)
a ~ Normal(0, 1)
bN ~ Normal(0, 1)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
μ = @. a + bN * N
K ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_5_draft = sample(model_m5_5_draft(d.N, d.K), NUTS(), 1000)
catch e
if isa(e, MethodError)
s = sprint(showerror, e)
MethodError: no method matching MvNormal(::Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}, ::Float64) Closest candidates are: MvNormal(!Matched::Tracker.TrackedVector{var"#s52", A} where {var"#s52"<:Real, A}, ::Real) at /home/shmuma/.julia/packages/DistributionsAD/yw5cH/src/tracker.jl:462 MvNormal(!Matched::AbstractVector{var"#s487"} where var"#s487"<:Real, ::Real) at deprecated.jl:70 MvNormal(!Matched::Int64, ::Real) at deprecated.jl:70
Code 5.31
29-element Vector{Union{Missing, Float64}}: -2.0801960251136564 missing missing missing missing -0.5086412889378672 -0.5086412889378672 0.010742472484833622 missing 0.21346968258853227 -1.4619618058717947 -0.9861392631490621 -1.2156733770681267 ⋮ 0.47483699478834385 missing 0.9757910098379835 missing -0.007687273888229892 missing 0.6172486713074732 0.8417564907611553 missing 0.44635465948451797 1.4616661414914773 1.3259561909261903
Code 5.32
dcc = d[completecases(d[!,[:K,:N,:M]]),:];
Code 5.33
m5_5_draft = sample(model_m5_5_draft(dcc.N, dcc.K), NUTS(), 1000);
Code 5.34
prior = sample(model_m5_5_draft(dcc.N, dcc.K), Prior(), 1000)
prior_df = DataFrame(prior)
xseq = [-2, 2]
μ = link(prior_df, [:a, :bN], xseq)
μ = hcat(μ...);
p = plot(; xlim=xseq, ylim=xseq,
xlab="neocortex percent (std)", ylab="kilocal per g (std)",
title=L"a \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1), b \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)"
for y ∈ first(eachrow(μ), 50)
plot!(p, xseq, y; c=:black, alpha=0.3)
Code 5.35
@model function model_m5_5(N, K)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bN ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
μ = @. a + bN * N
K ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_5 = sample(model_m5_5(dcc.N, dcc.K), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_5_df = DataFrame(m5_5);
prior = sample(model_m5_5(dcc.N, dcc.K), Prior(), 1000)
prior_df = DataFrame(prior)
μ = link(prior_df, [:a, :bN], xseq)
μ = hcat(μ...);
p2 = plot(; xlim=xseq, ylim=xseq,
xlab="neocortex percent (std)", ylab="kilocal per g (std)",
title=L"a \sim \mathcal{N}(0,0.2), b \sim \mathcal{N}(0,0.5)"
for y ∈ first(eachrow(μ), 50)
plot!(p2, xseq, y; c=:black, alpha=0.3)
Code 5.36
┌───────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ param │ mean std 5.5% 50% 94.5% histogram │ ├───────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ a │ 0.0341 0.1712 -0.2582 0.0324 0.3065 ▁▁▁▂▄▆█▆▃▂▁▁ │ │ bN │ 0.1363 0.239 -0.2486 0.1334 0.5227 ▁▁▂▅█▇▃▁▁▁ │ │ σ │ 1.108 0.1985 0.8612 1.0778 1.45 ▁██▅▂▁▁▁▁▁ │ └───────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Code 5.37
xseq = range(minimum(dcc.N) - 0.15, maximum(dcc.N) + 0.15; length=30)
μ = link(m5_5_df, [:a, :bN], xseq);
μ = hcat(μ...)
μ_mean = mean.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = PI.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = vcat(μ_PI'...)
@df dcc scatter(:N, :K; xlab="neocortex percent (std)", ylab="kilocal per g (std)")
plot!(xseq, [μ_mean, μ_mean]; lw=2, fillrange=μ_PI, fillalpha=0.2, color=:black)
Code 5.38
@model function model_m5_6(M, K)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
μ = @. a + bM * M
K ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_6 = sample(model_m5_6(dcc.M, dcc.K), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_6_df = DataFrame(m5_6)
┌───────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ param │ mean std 5.5% 50% 94.5% histogram │ ├───────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ a │ 0.0452 0.1615 -0.2122 0.0389 0.3085 ▁▁▂▄▇█▆▄▂▁▁▁ │ │ bM │ -0.2673 0.2027 -0.5915 -0.2727 0.0577 ▁▁▂▄▆███▅▃▁▁▁▁ │ │ σ │ 1.0601 0.1975 0.7949 1.0289 1.4031 ▁▂▆██▆▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁ │ └───────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
xseq = range(minimum(dcc.M) - 0.15, maximum(dcc.M) + 0.15; length=30)
μ = link(m5_6_df, [:a, :bM], xseq);
μ = hcat(μ...)
μ_mean = mean.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = PI.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = vcat(μ_PI'...)
@df dcc scatter(:M, :K; xlab="log body mass (std)", ylab="kilocal per g (std)")
plot!(xseq, [μ_mean, μ_mean]; lw=2, fillrange=μ_PI, fillalpha=0.2, color=:black)
@model function model_m5_7(N, M, K)
a ~ Normal(0, 0.2)
bN ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
bM ~ Normal(0, 0.5)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
μ = @. a + bN * N + bM * M
K ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_7 = sample(model_m5_7(dcc.N, dcc.M, dcc.K), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_7_df = DataFrame(m5_7)
┌───────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ param │ mean std 5.5% 50% 94.5% histogram │ ├───────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ a │ 0.0664 0.1463 -0.1778 0.0711 0.302 ▁▂▃▇██▄▂▁▁▁ │ │ bM │ -0.6285 0.2483 -0.9994 -0.6536 -0.2093 ▁▂▅█▇▃▂▁▁▁▁ │ │ bN │ 0.6 0.2716 0.1339 0.6089 1.018 ▁▁▂▄██▅▂▁ │ │ σ │ 0.8726 0.1931 0.6398 0.8379 1.2128 ▁██▃▁▁▁▁▁ │ └───────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Code 5.40
coeftab_plot(m5_7_df, m5_6_df, m5_5_df; pars=(:bM, :bN), names=("m5.7", "m5.6", "m5.5"))
Code 5.41
The code in the book corresponds to the bottom-right figure, which keeps N=0 (despite stated in the text).
Below is the code to produce the bottom-left figure (M=0).
xseq = range(minimum(dcc.N) - 0.15, maximum(dcc.N) + 0.15; length=30)
μ = link(m5_7_df, [:a, :bN], xseq);
μ = hcat(μ...)
μ_mean = mean.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = PI.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = vcat(μ_PI'...)
plot(title="Counterfactual holding M=0",
xlab="neocortex percent (std)", ylab="kilocal per g (std)")
plot!(xseq, [μ_mean, μ_mean]; lw=2, fillrange=μ_PI, fillalpha=0.2, color=:black)
xseq = range(minimum(dcc.M) - 0.15, maximum(dcc.M) + 0.15; length=30)
μ = link(m5_7_df, [:a, :bM], xseq);
μ = hcat(μ...)
μ_mean = mean.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = PI.(eachcol(μ))
μ_PI = vcat(μ_PI'...)
plot(title="Counterfactual holding N=0",
xlab="log body mass (std)", ylab="kilocal per g (std)")
plot!(xseq, [μ_mean, μ_mean]; lw=2, fillrange=μ_PI, fillalpha=0.2, color=:black)
Code 5.42
# M → K ← N
# M → N
n = 100
M = rand(Normal(), n)
N = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ M]
K = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ N .- M]
d_sim = DataFrame(:K => K, :N => N, :M => M);
s5 = sample(model_m5_5(d_sim.N, d_sim.K), NUTS(), 1000)
s6 = sample(model_m5_6(d_sim.M, d_sim.K), NUTS(), 1000)
s7 = sample(model_m5_7(d_sim.N, d_sim.M, d_sim.K), NUTS(), 1000)
s5_df = DataFrame(s5)
s6_df = DataFrame(s6)
s7_df = DataFrame(s7)
coeftab_plot(s7_df, s6_df, s5_df; pars=(:bM, :bN), names=("s7", "s6", "s5"))
Code 5.43
# M → K ← N
# N → M
n = 100
N = rand(Normal(), n)
M = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ N]
K = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ N .- M]
d_sim2 = DataFrame(:K => K, :N => N, :M => M);
# M → K ← N
# M ← U → N
n = 100
U = rand(Normal(), n)
N = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ U]
M = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ U]
K = [rand(Normal(μ)) for μ ∈ N .- M]
d_sim3 = DataFrame(:K => K, :N => N, :M => M);
s5 = sample(model_m5_5(d_sim2.N, d_sim2.K), NUTS(), 1000)
s6 = sample(model_m5_6(d_sim2.M, d_sim2.K), NUTS(), 1000)
s7 = sample(model_m5_7(d_sim2.N, d_sim2.M, d_sim2.K), NUTS(), 1000)
s5_df = DataFrame(s5)
s6_df = DataFrame(s6)
s7_df = DataFrame(s7)
coeftab_plot(s7_df, s6_df, s5_df; pars=(:bM, :bN), names=("s7", "s6", "s5"))
s5 = sample(model_m5_5(d_sim3.N, d_sim3.K), NUTS(), 1000)
s6 = sample(model_m5_6(d_sim3.M, d_sim3.K), NUTS(), 1000)
s7 = sample(model_m5_7(d_sim3.N, d_sim3.M, d_sim3.K), NUTS(), 1000)
s5_df = DataFrame(s5)
s6_df = DataFrame(s6)
s7_df = DataFrame(s7)
coeftab_plot(s7_df, s6_df, s5_df; pars=(:bM, :bN), names=("s7", "s6", "s5"))
Code 5.44
dag5_7 = Dagitty.DAG(:M => :K, :N => :K, :M => :N)
drawdag(dag5_7, [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1])
# equivalentDAGs is TODO in Dagitty.jl
Code 5.45
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/Howell1.csv"))
4 rows × 7 columns
variable | mean | min | median | max | nmissing | eltype | |
Symbol | Float64 | Real | Float64 | Real | Int64 | DataType | |
1 | height | 138.264 | 53.975 | 148.59 | 179.07 | 0 | Float64 |
2 | weight | 35.6106 | 4.25242 | 40.0578 | 62.9926 | 0 | Float64 |
3 | age | 29.3444 | 0.0 | 27.0 | 88.0 | 0 | Float64 |
4 | male | 0.472426 | 0 | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | Int64 |
Code 5.46
cnt = 10_000
μ_female = rand(Normal(178, 20), cnt)
μ_male = rand(Normal(178, 20), cnt) + rand(Normal(0, 10), cnt)
precis(DataFrame(:μ_female => μ_female, :μ_male => μ_male))
┌──────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ param │ mean std 5.5% 50% 94.5% histogram │ ├──────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ μ_female │ 177.916 19.8439 146.319 177.704 209.809 ▁▁▄██▃▁▁ │ │ μ_male │ 177.735 22.197 142.547 177.727 213.312 ▁▁▅██▄▁▁▁ │ └──────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Code 5.47
d[!,:sex] = ifelse.(d.male .== 1, 2, 1)
Summary Stats: Length: 544 Missing Count: 0 Mean: 1.472426 Minimum: 1.000000 1st Quartile: 1.000000 Median: 1.000000 3rd Quartile: 2.000000 Maximum: 2.000000 Type: Int64
Code 5.48
@model function model_m5_8(sex, height)
σ ~ Uniform(0, 50)
a ~ MvNormal([178, 178], 20)
height ~ MvNormal(a[sex], σ)
m5_8 = sample(model_m5_8(, d.height), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_8_df = DataFrame(m5_8)
┌───────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ param │ mean std 5.5% 50% 94.5% histogram │ ├───────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ a[1] │ 134.925 1.6176 132.457 134.839 137.415 ▁▁▁▂▃▇█▇▆▃▁▁▁ │ │ a[2] │ 142.628 1.6932 139.945 142.576 145.316 ▁▁▁▂▄▇██▅▂▁▁ │ │ σ │ 27.4051 0.8342 26.1216 27.4125 28.8383 ▁▁▂▄███▆▃▁▁▁▁ │ └───────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Code 5.49
m5_8_df[!,:diff_fm] = m5_8_df[:,"a[1]"] - m5_8_df[:,"a[2]"]
┌─────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ param │ mean std 5.5% 50% 94.5% histogram │ ├─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ a[1] │ 134.925 1.6176 132.457 134.839 137.415 ▁▁▁▂▃▇█▇▆▃▁▁▁ │ │ a[2] │ 142.628 1.6932 139.945 142.576 145.316 ▁▁▁▂▄▇██▅▂▁▁ │ │ σ │ 27.4051 0.8342 26.1216 27.4125 28.8383 ▁▁▂▄███▆▃▁▁▁▁ │ │ diff_fm │ -7.7037 2.308 -11.3153 -7.6808 -4.0109 ▁▁▃██▅▂▁▁▁ │ └─────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Code 5.50
d = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/milk.csv"))
# get rid of dots in column names
rename!(n -> replace(n, "." => "_"), d)
4-element Vector{String31}: "Ape" "New World Monkey" "Old World Monkey" "Strepsirrhine"
Code 5.51
d[!,:clade_id] = indexin(d.clade, levels(d.clade));
Code 5.52
d[!,:K] = standardize(ZScoreTransform, d.kcal_per_g);
clade_counts = maximum(levels(d.clade_id))
@model function model_m5_9(clade_id, K)
clade_μ = zeros(clade_counts)
a ~ MvNormal(clade_μ, 0.5)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
K ~ MvNormal(a[clade_id], σ)
m5_9 = sample(model_m5_9(d.clade_id, d.K), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_9_df = DataFrame(m5_9)
# get rid of square brackets in a params
rename!(n -> replace(n, r"\[|\]" => ""), m5_9_df)
pars = [:a1, :a2, :a3, :a4]
p_names = map(v -> "$(v[1]): $(v[2])", zip(pars, levels(d.clade)))
coeftab_plot(m5_9_df; pars=pars, pars_names=p_names, xlab="expected kcal (std)")
Code 5.53
# it took me a while to find a seed which make Slytherin to stand out.
# So it is just a seed, not the model property
d[!,:house] = sample(1:4, nrow(d));
Code 5.54
house_counts = maximum(levels(
@model function model_m5_10(clade_id, house, K)
clade_μ = zeros(clade_counts)
house_μ = zeros(house_counts)
a ~ MvNormal(clade_μ, 0.5)
h ~ MvNormal(house_μ, 0.5)
σ ~ Exponential(1)
μ = a[clade_id] .+ h[house]
K ~ MvNormal(μ, σ)
m5_10 = sample(model_m5_10(d.clade_id,, d.K), NUTS(), 1000)
m5_10_df = DataFrame(m5_10)
┌───────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ param │ mean std 5.5% 50% 94.5% histogram │ ├───────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ a[1] │ -0.4983 0.2807 -0.9165 -0.5088 -0.0351 ▁▁▃▇█▆▄▁▁ │ │ a[2] │ 0.2824 0.2874 -0.203 0.2816 0.7225 ▁▂▄▇█▆▄▁▁ │ │ a[3] │ 0.6566 0.3311 0.1175 0.6597 1.1682 ▁▁▁▁▃▅███▄▂▁▁ │ │ a[4] │ -0.518 0.3104 -0.9895 -0.5226 -0.0099 ▁▂▅▇█▆▄▂▁▁ │ │ h[1] │ -0.0292 0.2937 -0.4857 -0.0238 0.4206 ▁▁▁▃▆██▅▂▁▁▁ │ │ h[2] │ -0.1539 0.3263 -0.651 -0.1561 0.3735 ▁▁▂▆▇█▆▃▂▁▁ │ │ h[3] │ -0.1388 0.3063 -0.6165 -0.1344 0.3677 ▁▂▅██▇▄▂▁▁ │ │ h[4] │ 0.2955 0.2835 -0.1574 0.298 0.7404 ▁▁▁▁▃▆█▇▃▁▁ │ │ σ │ 0.7929 0.12 0.6192 0.7768 0.9898 ▁▅█▆▄▁▁▁▁▁ │ └───────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘